Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Amateur Hour 10-17-2009


Another long, late into the night, Saturday night/Sunday morning Amateur Hour.

Most of the first hour of music pre-show has been cut, for copyright purposes.  I kept the beginning/intro to preserve the relevant ramblings that relate to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame topic that was discussed in the show, and to preserve the technical problems that occurred.  It sounds as if I was experiencing a problem with a cable - likely one side of the stereo cable running the mix from the board to the input on the Aardvark card on the broadcast machine.

After the pre-show, I was joined by Gothard and Venison88.

This is a notable episode, as it is the first episode in which Niio (who now goes by the username Lulu) wrote in, and then later called in.  She ended up staying on the line with us for the last hour of the show.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Amateur Hour 08-29-2009

From the time period where I was simulcasting on WildBunch and NHB - with an hour of a pre-show music show on WildBunch only.  I've clipped out the first hour for copyright reasons.

Joined by Venison88, Damon, Forge, and Leo.
Later into the evening joined by Pedge.

Recapping a recent visit to the East - reviewing recent avant-garde record purchases.

During the time of rather frustrating telethon planning - I had been hoping to bring a few past shows back to the stream, which didn't really work out.  This was discussed at some point with Damon, and also is a topic of conversation with Pedge, as I was hoping he'd do a telethon show. 

Venison went out for smokes, and ended up streaming from the Walgreens parking lot until his battery died.